1. About the program
Green Transition – the Green Accelerator is an innovative program run by the Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation designed to create friendly conditions to disseminate environmental technologies provided by Macedonian entrepreneurs. Its main purpose is to help Macedonian teams and entrepreneurs to enter into international contacts and also to provide them with necessary tools to enable their dynamic development. The actions taken under the program stimulate development in a comprehensive manner and strengthen the position of advanced green technologies in the process of building a circular economy.
2. Learn how to:
Refine and develop a profitable and scalable business model
Think critically about your environmental impact and embed decent work principles into your business model
Develop robust strategies to bolster your financial sustainability
Sharpen your presentation skills and pitch your business to investors and other stakeholders
Build a professional network and lifelong community of social entrepreneurs who are committed to tackling injustice
3. What’s included?
Virtual trainings
Weekly online participatory webinars and online assignments – each module dedicated to one step of building a circular business model. The modules will be delivered following three phases:
Phase 1: Exploring Green Entrepreneurship
Phase 2: Implementing Circular Business Model
Phase 3: Impact Investing and Fundraising
Based on the business needs and preferences, participants will receive 1:1 mentoring to receive guidance through the process of building out their business models.
Demo Day
The final pitch competition involves participants putting together their business plans and pitches. The competition serves to demonstrate the entrepreneur/teams’ growth throughout the program and gives them the opportunity to compete for potential seed funding.
4. Timeline (*dates are indicative)
The acceleration program will run from June until September 2022.
5. Eligibility criteria
- A young person with the ambitious of becoming tomorrow’s business leader or Local private firm or sole proprietor operating in North Macedonia, and
- The overall operational management responsibility is held by a young person (or persons) under the age of 35, or a young person (or persons) under the age 35 own(s) all or majority of the equity
- You have a business idea or concept in the fields of clean environment, circular economy, climate action, low-carbon economy etc.
- The participant’s main areas of activity fall under any business area except military products or services, gambling, tobacco, alcoholic drinks
- You display a strong market opportunity
- You are committed to continuous engagement throughout the program.
6. Thematic areas
The business idea should fall under the following areas:
- Waste and waste management
- Water and water management
- Energy and energy efficiency
- Renewable energy
- Air management
- Digital technologies
- Smart materials
- Sustainability, circular economy
- Recycling and recovery of materials
- Climate and climate change
- Etc.
7. How to apply?
All interested applicants should fill an online application by July 2nd.
8. Contact person
Aleksandar Filiposki - aleksandar.filiposki@yes.org.mk / 023103660
Download Guidelines for applcants
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